CASE #1: Penalties Can Be assessed Personally Against Church Members
Penalties are being assessed personally against Church Officers. Find out how you can protect yourself! Recently, the IRS assessed penalties of $230,445.00 on EACH of the officers of a church-controlled organization for failing to comply [...]
CASE #2: Court Orders Church to Return Donations
1st Circuit Court ordered Church to return donations to members. The Bible Speaks Church was required to return $5.5 million to parishioners in a court ruling. The court ruled there had been private inurement and [...]
CASE #3: IRS Takes Church’s Tax-Exempt Status
Recently, a church lost its tax-exempt status when its officials simply could not answer IRS questions on its financial affairs. Does your church have the answers? The IRS has adopted new procedures for auditing the [...]
CASE #4: Churches Are Not Automatically Exempt You Must File!
Tax-exempt status is not a constitutional right. It is an act of “legislative grace,” and the IRS has the responsibility to police this powerful status. The IRS is granted by Congress the power to enforce [...]
CASE #5: Criminal Penalties!
If your Church conducts improper Anniversary Love Offerings, your pastor could now be subject to Criminal Prosecution. CRIMINAL TAX EVASION The elements of the crime are willfulness, an attempt to evade tax and additional tax [...]
CASE #6: IRS Seizes Church – Board Members May Be Penalized
Indianapolis A church that challenged the authority of the IRS was seized by the government on Tuesday to satisfy a $6 million tax debt, with federal marshals wheeling out the former pastor on a gurney [...]