Are You A Church or A Religious Ministry?
Minister Johnson approached me during a recent Church Management and Tax Conference, concerned because her Church was not in the registry even though she had a letter of determination. Upon further review it was determined [...]
Give to “Caesar” That Which Belongs to “Caesar”
I continually speak to Pastors and Church Leaders throughout the USA and I am amazed at those whom feel as if they are somehow immune to the Internal Revenue Service and its codes, simply because [...]
Clergy Day
Where would our world and nation be without the great men and women of God that we call Pastor, Rabbi, Priest, Evangelist, and Minister? It has been these individuals that have made a unique and [...]
Churches and Members Beware!!!
In some Church circles, congregants go beyond Biblical and legal parameters in attempts to honor and bless their Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, etc. Much of the blame for this must be laid at the feet of [...]
National Church Survey
Pastor Jeff in South Carolina called my office a few days ago and seemed troubled – almost depressed. He knew his spiritual relationship with God was good and he knew that the members seemed to [...]
Allowable Expense Reimbursement Items
The Pastor called me and said he had some exciting news that he wanted to share with me. A few moments into the conversation I discovered the news was that his Church was paying for [...]
Employee or Independent Contractor/1099 or W-2?
As I travel across the nation conducting Church and Clergy Tax Conferences, I am amazed at the number of Ministers and Board Members who continue to embrace the false notion that the Church Pastor can [...]
501 (c) (3) – Necessity or Luxury
As I travel around the nation facilitating Church Tax Compliance Conferences, I am often asked, “I am a Church so why do I need to obtain a 501 (c) (3)?” Many of these same people [...]
Church Nurseries – A Necessary “Evil”
Before you throw a stone at me for this Title, please allow me the license to explain. I grew up in a strong, conservative, denominational Church structure. In our Churches we never had a nursery [...]
Pastors and Churches Are Worried About the Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT
Recently, the sharply divided Supreme Court of the United States ruled same-sex marriage to be a constitutional right. Many have commented that this decision will in no way affect Ministers of the Gospel and Christian [...]