Free Speech Infringement on the Horizon for Pastors and Churches?
Everyone who has ever been called to preach has accepted the call of God with the understanding they should be free to preach the Word of God as he or she feels led by the [...]
Benevolence – Right or Wrong?
Scripture declares that the love of God does not dwell in anyone of financial means who can see their brother or sister in the Lord in need, but not open their heart of compassion to [...]
The Pastor’s Worst Nightmare
It began slowly. A couple of members left the Church, but the Pastor knew if he would explain the situation to his congregation they could make up the small deficit that would hit the Church [...]
Every Christian Should Be Ordained
Preachers are a territorial group of individuals. Regardless of their five-fold ministry gift (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher), most preachers are very offended by anyone receiving credentials if those persons have not met “perceived” ministerial [...]
“Love Offerings” – Legal or Illegal?
Pastors and ministers of religious institutions have come under increased scrutiny that relates to cash practices, and the proper accounting and reporting required for each. He was the Pastor of a good Church in the [...]
Pastors, We’re on Your Side
CMTC is recognized as the nation’s leader on tax-exempt organizations and churches. We stand ready to help you defend yourself. We are on your side. If you learn what we know, your church will grow [...]
IRS Announces Plans to Audit Ministers – Fighting the IRS’s Lifestyle Audit Method
At the annual Convention of Public Accountants Business meeting, GAPA adopted the official position to oppose the IRS’s “Life Style Audit” method that involves closed years for the following reasons: This is an invasion of [...]
IRS Getting Tough on Ministers’ Special Tax Breaks
by Carolyn Jenkins Excerpt from World Religion The Internal Revenue Service is cracking down on tax breaks some ministers have enjoyed by filing tax returns as self-employed contractors – rather than employees – of their [...]
28 Years Of Ministry Destroyed…In Just 20 Minutes
This happened in one of the largest and fastest growing churches in Orlando, Florida. Services were packed out every week-standing room only. Miracles were taking place and members loved their pastor. The Board of Trustees [...]
How do you handle IRS Sanctions against your pastor?
Congress has recently finalized Code Section 4958, which enables the IRS to levy money sanctions against key church and ministry personnel who violate or cause the organization to violate IRS rules. The government has wised [...]