Beware of the Advice You Choose to Follow
Beware of the Advice You Choose to Follow There is a principle taught in Scripture that we should be careful of the counsel we choose to listen to and heed. When King Rehoboam ascended [...]
Are You the Next Target?
Are You the Next Target? Many years ago, Churches never worried about intrusion from the Internal Revenue Service. For the most part the IRS never sought entrance to Church affairs. This has all changed. [...]
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You He called the office distraught, needing Pastoral advice. He had attended a Church Management and Tax Conference and heard me speak about the necessity of properly structured [...]
One of Your Greatest Assets May Become Your Greatest Enemy
One of Your Greatest Assets May Become Your Greatest Enemy Our Society has quickly become an extremely hi-tech world. In just a few short years we have developed to the point where a handheld [...]
Why You Need Us More Than Ever
Why You Need Us More Than Ever Within the halls of both Houses of Congress in our Nation’s Capital are lobbyists who are busily attempting to influence the House and Senate in favor of [...]
If Your Church Hasn’t Done This It Is Out of Compliance
If Your Church Hasn’t Done This It Is Out of Compliance When people join a church or a member accepts an appointment to a position within that Church, most have no clue as to [...]
Are Your Church Contributions Safe for Tax Purposes
Are Your Church Contributions Safe for Tax Purposes Over the years our Government and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has stripped away at our allowable deductions for income tax purposes. The supposed reasoning was [...]
Family Members of the Board May be Held Liable
Family Members of the Board May be Held Liable There used to be a time in recent Church history when people attended Church without worries of intrusion from the Federal Government and especially the [...]
Your Church and Natural Disasters—Part II
Your Church and Natural Disasters—Part II I began this blog in a previous post and would encourage everyone to read Part I prior to reading this conclusion. When a disaster strikes a community, [...]
Your Church and Natural Disasters—Part I
Your Church and Natural Disasters—Part I When a disaster strikes a community, be it a hurricane, tornado, flood, etc. Churches desire to be a shining light and help anyway possible. However, every Church cannot [...]